The Daily

Takes another break…

I suppose it was inevitable. But going from full-tilt mold remediation straight back into my 40+ hour a week job sort of wiped me out. Then, already tired by all that, I was pulling foxtail grasses out of the back of the perennial bed over the weekend. There were swarms of biting insects. There still is a swamp funk in the air around my town from mold in other buildings and the still prevalent piles of detritus lined up by the roadsides. (To illustrate, my neighborhood block sprouted two more 15-foot Dumpsters this week, proving that mine is not the only basement mold war.)

These are all things that drive my allergies nuts, and some combination of all that has pushed my rheumatoid arthritis into overdrive. I look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy… without the cute hat…

I have taken all the drugs. But that’s merely dimmed the pain and left me with stomach upset and severe brain fog. So… I cannot brain today…

I think I’m not going to try to write. For one thing, typing is painful… But it takes far too much effort to make coherent strings of words. I’m afraid this is about my limit here.

I will mention one thing for now: In my neck of the woods, today is the first day with less than 12 hours of daylight.

I’ll have a Full Moon Tale for Thursday. I promise. (Yes, the full Harvest Moon is actually on Friday, but since it happens at 5:57am, the closest moonrise to full takes place the night before.)



2 thoughts on “The Daily”

  1. I empathise with you. No, I haven’t had to deal with mould and I am retired. Weeding can knock me flat though and leaves me with a painful knee and hip that makes mobility difficult for a few days after. Nonetheless, I keep at it or else there would be nothing but weeds in the garden. I hope you will allow yourself a full day off over the weekend … that to-do list is long, I know, but don’t look at it!

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